I realize that I talk about weddings quite a bit, but must remember many have already had their big day. Regardless the chance of us all being wedding guests in the future is pretty high so make sure you don't make this list.
1) Not sending RSVP's. Please send these in. They're so important from the planning and budgeting aspects. If you received an invitation, the couple obviously wants you there, but they need to know if they need to rent a chair for you to sit in or a dinner for you to eat. Help them out by sending your RSVP.
2) Sending RSVPs With Extra Guests. Once again this becomes a budgeting and planning issue. The average Arizona wedding cost $29,000. Bringing additional guests can rack up charges quickly at $80-$150 per plate, plus rentals of chairs, china, napkins, etc. Please be understanding if they allow dates only if you're engaged or children 18 and older.
3)Bombarding the Bride! The bride is busy. See if they have a website to answer your questions.
4)Buying a non-registry gift. The bride and groom took the time to make this process easy for you and to register for things they really need and will use, with the occasional fun item. Pick something from the register that reminds you of a funny story about them or your marriage and include that in the card. This way you both win.
5)Showing up late. Just don't unless it's an emergency. They may have arranged for you to be included in pictures or have you seated in a place of honor without you knowing it. If you are truely attending for the bride and groom attend. If you are attending to be seen or for political reasons, just check the regrets on the RSVP.
6)Bringing a big, heavy gift. Do yourself and the couple a favor and have it shipped to the bride or groom. That way you don't have to lug it around and they don't either.
7)Giving unexpected toasts.
8)Requesting Songs unless the DJ asks you to.
9)Drinking too much. Remember there will likely be a videographer. Be warned. You may end up on UTube.
10)Crashing Your Wedding. If you weren't invited please don't attend. It's not all the movie makes it out to be. They may also have undercover security.
MSN Lifestyle:Women
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